You created a simple static website or even SPA application and then you want to host it somewhere? There is nothing simpler than that! (BTW. This blog is also deployed this way!)

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisities
  2. Simple website
  3. Automate the deployment
  4. Summary


  1. Account on Azure Portal with Subscription created.
  2. Account on GitHub

Simple website

  1. Navigate to Azure Portal and create new Resource group.

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    Naming convention for resource group which I used is following:

    • tb - first letters of my project travel blog
    • rg - first letters of resource name resource group
    • shr - shortcut for shared
    • 0101 - unique identifier
  2. Inside this created Resource group, create new Storage account.

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    You can left all settings as default or customize it for your needs. Very important thing is to allow authenticate to Blob Storage using access keys, because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to automate whole process of website deployment.

  3. When storage account is created, go into this resource and on the left sidebar select Static website and set following settings:

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    After enabling static website, we can see endpoints which will allow us to access the website.

  4. To test the static website, we need to upload test files. To do that select Containers on the sidebar and select $web container.

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  5. Upload following files:

    • index.html - entrypoint for whole application

            <title>Test website</title>
            Static website test
    • 404.html - file which will be displayed when someone would navigate to page which doesn’t exists

            <title>Not found</title>
            404 - page not found

    After uploading, navigate to the endpoint and see if that works.

    • main page

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    • dummy page to test 404 subsite

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Automate the deployment

For now we have our simple website uploaded and working. But let’s assume we don’t want to upload all files manually every time we do some changes. Especially when the website is SPA application. To do this, we will create a new Github repository and then create a workflow file which will upload all changes automatically when changes will be pushed into main branch.

  1. Create a new Github repository, with following folder and files structure:

    📦 repository
    ┣ 📂 .github
    ┃ ┗ 📂 workflows
    ┃   ┗ 📜 workflow.yml
    ┣ 📂 src
    ┃ ┗ 📜 index.html
    ┃ ┗ 📜 404.html
  2. Open repository settings, then navigate to Secrets and variables, Actions and add a new secret named CONNECTION_STRING. Value of that secret is the connection string to the Blob Storage.

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  3. According to the structure, inside the .github folder we should have workflows folder with workflow.yml file. Paste following code to the file:

          - main
        types: [closed]
          - main
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v1
          - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
              dotnet-version: '3.0.100'
          - uses: lauchacarro/Azure-Storage-Action@92250565adefe3844ab7e135cb570ca354f0ac18
              enabled-static-website: 'true'
              folder: 'src'
              blob-container-name: '$web'
              connection-string: ${{ secrets.CONNECTION_STRING }}

    Everytime when any change will be pushed to the main branch of the repository, it will be synced automatically using GitHub actions to the $web container in our Blob storage. There is a need to use a specific commit of the lauchacarro/Azure-Storage-Action package because the newest one has issue with connection to Blob Storage and doesn’t work.

  4. You can preview all the actions in the Actions tab in your repository and also check details of every deployment.

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In this tutorial I tried to explain a simple scenario for static website deployment, but could be used also for deployment of SPA applications or a static blogs - like this one - which uses Hugo for content creation. In case of more complicated scenarios, you always need to deploy your output which is a built source code, instead of raw source code.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

In a next blog entry, I will describe how to create a nice DNS entry for our website (ie., instead of using that generated one alias for Blob Storage ( and also tell something more about costs, which are almost none.